Friday, November 24, 2017

Funny Statuses for Whatsapp | Latest whatsapp Crazy statuses

Hey guys, today we are sharing our most crazy collections of whatsapp status. These funniest Whatsapp Status are for those who wants to show their friends that how funny and crazy they are. these list includes best funny status for whatsapp, latest funny and crazy status, funny whatsapp status in one line, comedy whatsapp status, funny status in Hindi, funny lines for whatsapp and much more. You can also checkout Best funny status in hindi, and crazy hindi status for whatsapp. So guys, here is the list of Funniest Whatsapp Status in Hindi and English. Just copy it and paste to your whatsapp and enjoy the latest collection of Latest funny status for whatsapp.

I'm not virgin, my life fucks me every day.

virginity is not an is just lack of opportunity..(:

My bed is always extra comfortable when I need to get out of it in the morning.

I hate people who steal my ideas, before I think of them.

I love my six pack so much, I protect it with a layer of fat.                                                      

You can never buy Love....But still you have to pay for it…

Whoever says "Good Morning" on Monday's deserves to get slapped..

C.L.A.S.S- come late and start sleeping

Running away does not help you with your problems, unless you are fat.

If time does not wait for you, don't worry. Just remove the battery from the clock and enjoy life.

Try to say the letter M without your lips touching.

If common sense is so common why is there so many

I love my job only when I'm on vacation.

80% of boys have girlfriends. Rest 20% are having brain.

Sorry about those texts I sent you last night, my phone was drunk.

I want someone to give me a Loan and then leave me Alone.

The most powerful words other than I LOVE YOU is "Salary is Credited".

I'm just having an allergic reaction to the universe.

I used to like my neighbors, until they put a password on their Wi-Fi...

Funny whatsapp status is a way to display a hilarious side of your personality to others. Your funny whatsapp status adds happiness and positivity in other's life, Here are some examples.

I Wonder What Happens When Doctor's Wife Eats An Apple A Day...

Life is Short - Chat Fast!                    

Doing nothing is very hard thing to do…you never know when to finish.

People that Change Love status after 30 Sec... GF is the Reason...

A book-store is only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking.

My biggest concern in life is actually how my online friends can be informed of my death..!!

Mosquitos are like family. Annoying but they carry your blood.

If College has taught us anything, it's texting without looking :)

The only time success comes before work is in dictionary.

Light travels faster than sound…that's why people appear bright until they speak

Marriage means silent suicide.

I will marry the girl, who look pretty in her Adhaar card.

Fact: Phone on silent mode- 10 Missed call… Turns volume to loud- Nobody calls all day!!

When I’m on my death bed, I want my final words to be “I left one million dollars in the…

दुनिया की सारी खुशियाँ एक तरफ.. और phone की 100 % battery की ख़ुशी एक तरफ …”

Follow your heart but take your brain with you.

If College has taught us anything, it’s texting without looking 

Don’t kiss behind the garden, Love is blind but the neighbors are not.

C.L.A.S.S- come late and start sleeping 

KABHI कोई लड़की तुम्हे भाई कह के बोल दे तो बुरा MATT माननाबस एक थप्पड़ लगाना OR बोलना इधर KYA कर रही हो.

Sorry about those texts I sent you last night, my phone was drunk.

GOOGLE must be a woman because it knows everything.

Today’s Relationships: You can touch each other but not each other’s phones

I always learn from mistake of others who take my Advice 

Excuse me … Plesae empty your pockets … I think you stole my heart.

प्यार हो तो Bluetooth के जैसा पास रहे तो Connected, दूर गये तो “SEARCHING FOR NEW DEVICE”

Girls are funny creatures. They hate it when you ask their Age but will kill you if you forget their birthday.

Definition of human being: a creature that cuts trees, makes paper & write “SAVE TREES” on the same paper.

Cell phones these days keep getting thinner & smarter… People the opposite.

बेटी बचाओबेटी पढ़ाओऔर ..इनको ढंग की DRIVING भी सिखाओ…..बाल बाल बचा हूँ अभी.

Phones are better than girlfriends, At least we can switch off.

I always dream of being a millionaire like my Uncle!… He’s dreaming too.

HEY YOU, yeah I’m talking to U, why the hell are you reading my status?

Our generation doesn’t ring the doorbell…we text or call to say we’re outside.

I Can’T Taste My Lips. Could You Do It For Me ?

Hum Sarif bache hai Janaab !! Jab tak maa jagne ke liye na bole majaal hai jo apni Ankh bhi khol de.

लड़कियाँ कहती हैं कि सभी लड़के Pagal होते है,फिर कहती हैं “हम लड़कों से कम हैं क्या ?

iPhone 7 lagataar 7th aisa phone hai jo mere pass nahi hai.

बचपन में हमें जितना बुखार आता थाआजकल उससे ज्यादा बच्चो के NUMBERS आते है 95.9 98.8.

गाली देने से इतनी लड़ाई नहीं होती जितना LAST SEEN देखर होती है|

Hey there whatsapp is using me.

Their are millions of people in India who use whatsapp and Facebook and as we know the mother language of India is Hindi. Therefore most of the people from India prefer to use Hindi Status and Quotes on there Facebook/Whatsapp profile. so we are also sharing some unique & extremely funny status in Hindi below.

प्यार हो तो Bluetooth के जैसा पास  रहे तो Connected , दूर गये तो “searching for new device”  

लड़कियाँ जब गाड़ी चलाती है तो ये नही देखती की सड़क पर लोग पैदल  भी चल रहै हैऔर जब पैदल चलती है तो ये नही देखती की सड़क पर गाड़ियाँ  भी चल रही है 

वक्त बहुत कीमती होता हैइसलिए अपना नहीं दूसरों का बरबाद करें 

दिल  भी कोई खेलने की चीज हैखेलना है तो Blue Whale Game खेल 

मुझे पता है कि शराब हर सवाल का जवाब नही है , पर साला पीने के बाद सवाल ही किसे याद रहता है 

एक बात समझ मे नही  रही इतने Prince और Queenतौ मुग्लो के राज मे भी नही थे जितने आज Facebookपर राज कर रहे है 

बेटी बचाओबेटी पढ़ाओऔर ……..इनको ढंग की ड्राइविंग भी सिखाओ…..बाल बाल बचा हूँ अभी 

सामने कोई लड़की स्कूटी से आती दिख जाए तो मैं इतना सावधान होकर चलता हूँ ,जैसे लड़की नही,साक्षात भल्लालदेव जी अपने रथ से मेरी तरफ  रहे हों 

बड़े सुकून से जी रहा हूँ ग़ालिब एक तंग करने वाली ही दे दे मालिक

तलाक के बाद सुप्रीम कोर्ट को love you as a friend पर भी सुनवाई करनी चाहिए

लड़कियाँ कहती हैं कि सभी लड़के पागल होते है,फिर कहती हैं “हम लड़कों से कम हैं क्या ?” 

भगवान से तो माँग लोगे उसकोमगर उसके बाप से कैसे माँगोगे

Twinkle Twinkle little star एक और Friend zone कर गई यार 

Dear Girls कितना भी Makeup  कर लोआजकल के बच्चे एक नजर में देखकर बता सकते है दीदी बोलना है या आंटी 

अगर दर्द भरे गाने  सुनकर भी आपको दर्द ना हो तो समझ लो आप दोबारा प्यार करने के लिए तैयार हो चुके हो

उसको पटना भी नहीं है और दिन भर फोन से हटना भी नहीं है 

Can’t talk, telepathy only!

Read books instead of reading my status!

SI unit of ignorance = “seen”

My “last seen at” was just to check your “last seen at”.

Don’t take life too seriously, you won’t get out of it alive.

WARNING!! I know karate …..and some other words!!!

It’s amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world each day fit exactly the length of newspaper.

Congratulations!!My tallest finger want to give you a standing ovation.

A black cat passing by the crossroad can stop hundreds of people what a RED LIGHT on traffic signal has failed to do for long time!!

In victory, you deserve Champagne. In defeat you need it.

When it’s you against me, you either win or you die!!!

I hate men but I’m not lesbian.

Don’t get a man(\woman) ,get a dog …they are loyal and they die sooner.

Some people should just give up at engineering( or medical) ………i have.

Everybody is so happy….I hate that.

I Wonder What Happen’s When Doctor’s Wife Eats An Apple A Day 

Do you ever just lie on knees and thank god that you know me and my intelligence???

Who care’s ?????………..I’m awsome

I had to take sick day.I’m sick of those peoples.

Everything funnier when your supposed to be quiet..

When I Show you a picture on my phone..don’t swipe left.don’t swipe right.Just look.

When I actually die some people are going to get really haunted.

Must Read: Funny Attitude Status.

Funny Status in Hindi Font

Some Indian people love to use Whatsapp Status and Quotes in Hindi font also. therefore we are Sharing some Unique and hilarious Whatsapp Status in Hindi font also. Checkout the List Below.

मोहब्बत भी उस मोड़ पर पहुंच चुकी है कि.. . . अब gf को भी प्यार भरा मैसेज करो.. . तो वो पूछती है..तुम्हें किसने भेजा है..?

बदनाम तो केवल दारु है,वरना किडनी और लिवर तो मैगी ने ही ख़राब किये हैँ 

मुझे ब्रेकअप की बस एक वजह चाहिए थी.. और वो पगली टिफिन में मेरे लिए मैगी ले आई 

बाबा रामदेव के पतंजलि की ओर से एक नया बयान जारी.. Google Maps इस्तेमाल ना करें।। स्वदेशी बनेंचाय वाले से रास्ता पूछें !!

आज कल whatsapp पर वो लोग Admin बने हुऐ हें जो स्कूल टाइम में दो दो घण्टे मुर्गा बना करते थे 

जितना दीमाग लड्कियाे में होता है…! उतना तो मेरा खराब रहता है…!! 

बचपन से बादाम खा रहा हू  तुझे भूलाना मुश्किल ही नहीं नामुमकिन है।।

लगता है बारिश को भी… कब्ज़ हो गयी है… मौसम बनता है पर आती नहीं

बाकियों का पता नहीं,पर व्यापम घोटाले में लिप्त सभी लोग मोदी का 12 रुपये वाला बीमा ज़रूर करवा लें।

सुबह से दौड रही है चाकू लेकर पगली मेरे पीछे.. मैँने तो मजाक में कहा था “दिल चीर के देखतेरा ही नाम होगा

कुछ लडकिया तो इतनी सुन्दर होती है के मैं मन ही मन में खुद को रिजेक्ट कर लेता हु। 

इश्क करने से पहले अंजाम देख लोफिर भी समझ  आए तो.. “गजनी” और “तेरे नाम” देख लो..

नरेंद्र मोदीपंछीनदियापवन के झोंकेकोई सरहद  इन्हें रोके..

ये अखबार बेचने वालों की फेंकने की ऐसी आदत पडी हैं कि..सामने खडे हो तब भी साले पकडायेंगे नहीं फेक कर ही देंगे !!

भरी दोपहर में पडोसी के घर की बेल दबाकर भाग जाना भी एक तरह का “हिट एंड रन” ही है!

एक बात समझ मे नही  रही इतने Prince और Queen तौ मुग्लो के राज मे भी नही थे जितने आज Facebook पर राज कर रहे है 

बेटी बचाओबेटी पढ़ाओऔर ……..इनको ढंग की ड्राइविंग भी सिखाओ…..बाल बाल बचा हूँ अभी 

सामने कोई लड़की स्कूटी से आती दिख जाए तो मैं इतना सावधान होकर चलता हूँ ,जैसे लड़की नही,साक्षात भल्लालदेव जी अपने रथ से मेरी तरफ  रहे हों 

पहले लोग बालकनी मे आने की राह देखते थेअब ऑनलाइन आने की. ‘रिश्ता वही सोच नयी
काश सूरज की भी बीवी होती तो उसे थोडा तो कंट्रोल में रखती 

हे भगवान भले मुझे साउथ के हीरो जैसी ताकत मत देपर उनकी होरोइन जैसी GF दिला दे 

सुबह-सुबह फेसबुकट्विटर और व्हट्सएप पर 3-4 किलोमीटर तक उंगलियाँ खिसकाना… इसे भी मॉर्निंग वाक ही माना जाना चाहिए।

अगर कोई दस बजे उठे तो जरूरी नहीं कि वो आलसी हो… हो सकता है उसके सपने बड़े हों

We hope that we’re able to help you find the best funny status of your choice. We also have a great collection of best whatsapp Status in Hindi/English, best whatsapp status in Marathi. Stay connected with us to get more status updates from us.

Related Tags: Crazy whatsapp status, Funny status in Hindi, Cool status, Whatsapp jokes.

Related Links: Cool whatsapp status, Best attitude status, Best friendship status for whatsapp, Best whatsapp status & quotes.

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